Are you equipped to respond to your shifting environment, stiff competition and disruptive forces that threaten your business model? To envision and quickly capitalize on tomorrow’s opportunities?  Most aren’t.

Train, teambuild and coach to strengthen interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, inspiring visions, engaging/empowering employees and innovation. Increase the capacity of your organization to support its growth strategies and core values by strengthening interpersonal and communication skills.


  • Strategic Thinking, Planning and Execution Training Program

  • Mastering Me/Empowering Others (S2S Leadership Levels 1 & 2)

  • Leading Change Training Program

  • Creating Effective Teams Training

  • Employee Engagement Workshops and Lunch & Learns

  • Culture Design and Improvement Workshops


Many leaders are using outdated and ineffective models created during the Industrial Revolution, 100 years ago. To survive and thrive in the 21st Century, leaders and their organizations need to reinvent themselves around the new rules of business and the varied needs of a three-generation workforce. 

Not a ‘reboot’ or ‘start over,’ but an evolution of what it means to be a leader and an organization, with the insights, skills and processes to do it.

Welcome to S2S Leadership.

We take leaders and their organizations from their current level of success toward our unique model of significance. Our S2S Leader and S2S Organization Programs engage your people in delivering deeper, sustainable value for customers and shareholders, while connecting your organization with the needs of local communities.

“Yesterday’s industrial era model of growth is on its last tired legs today… What powered prosperity in the twentieth century won’t – and can’t – power prosperity in the twenty-first .. the real threat to capitalism isn’t unfettered financial cunning. It is, instead, the inability (or unwillingness) of executives to confront the changing expectations of their stakeholders about the role of business in society.”

– Umair Haque, Director Havas Media Lab


  • UNLEASH creativity, pride and productivity in your people

  • GENERATE deeper, sustainable value for employees, customers, partners and shareholders

  • CONNECT your organization with the needs of local communities

Two measurement tools support the Significant Leader and Significant Organization programs:


This one-of-a kind tool assesses two types of competencies needed for leaders to survive and thrive in the 21st century:  Success Competencies that traditionally benefit the organization and Significance Competencies that leaders use to create sustainable benefits for all stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, customers and the community.

360 and self-assessments produce a customized report showing success and significance competency ratings and statistics, development tips and an action plan template.

Success to Significance Leadership Model

Level 5: Catalyzing A Movement>>>  Systemic transformation

Level 4: Stewarding Organizational Change>>>  Inspired culture

Level 3: Galvanizing Teams>>>  High performance collaborations

Level 2: Empowering Others>>>  Trusting relationships

Level 1: Mastering Me>>>  Foundation of emotional intelligence



Providing sustainable results is impossible without a way to measure activity.  Until now, few tools have existed for those organizations who want to take action on achieving results that support an organization’s People (employees), Profit (owners) and Planet (community). These unique tools are able to assess and help Leaders and Staff understand the interdependent relationships of all stakeholders.

Studies show that strengthening any individual stakeholder group does not come at the expense of another: strategies supporting People or Planet stakeholders improve long term, sustainable Profit.  The S2S Triple Bottom Line Scorecard provides a way to 1) align and track organizational goals, strategies and tactics and 2) measure progress towards achievement of your stakeholders' needs and wants.


S2S Leadership Assessments come with a report comprised of development tips and an action plan template.

Self assessment                                                       $250

360 assessment                                                       $375

Triple Bottom Line Scorecard                                ask for custom quote